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Olaria AC - Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
Olaria AC - Rio de Janeiro/Brazil

Since 1994, the USA world cup, all south american countries has been producing world class players year by year, and we are talking about places with very little resources and medium to poor facilities. What about America? how many world class players did produce in the last 3 decades?
Day in and day out, every week, every month, every year, inside the schools, small, regional or big clubs, one fact never changes, the futsal courts are always ON and the THE FACT OF THE MATTER is:
Futsal is an unstoppable supply chain and America underestimate it.

The cherry on top of the cake!
For many people the biggest challenge is visualize the futsal motor actions inside the soccer field. The transfer is possible, the point is to figure out when to teach, to coach and do both with your players, units and team.
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